Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Quick Way to folders

QuickWayToFolders is easy to use tool that will enable you to access your folders and sub-folders easily and quickly. The application offers you four display properties that you can use to access the folders. You can access the folders by using desktop view, browser view, menu, and multiple menu view.
Regardless of your choice; the application ensures that you retrieve your files from the folder quickly without much pain. Also read GetFolderSize to know what folders are taking maximum space on your computer.

The four display possibilities are:

  • Desktop : Act like your desktop, with possibility to navigate through sub-folders
  • Small Browser : Act like windows explorer
  • Menu : Display folder content in menu
  • Multiple Folders Menu : Display multiple folders content in a single menu
The application is very portable however; you need to change the configuration option in Single User configuration mode, as all configuration files are stored in the application directory. Install he freeware from the web site and launch the set up in your PC for further use. Then you can choose the preferred language. Language files are stored inside the Languages directory, so you can add your own country language by translating the english.ini file.
You can choose multiple folder option menus to list the folders you want to access. Using this easy tool you can also move the folder in the list up or down or remove the folder in the list. To be more portable you should use “System Special Path” when possible. This option will show the folders mentioned in the system tray so that you can reach them faster. Your folder will be in front of you in a click. You can also read 5 Free Duplicate File Finders for checking if there are multiple copies of a file on your device.
File filters are one of the important features of QuickWayToFolders. This feature will enable you to set parameters as to allow including or excluding files from folders content. You can also navigate the sub folders for menus and desktop views. The freeware also remembers your last position if you want. Once any window has been closed, the next display content will be the last browsed folder. If not checked, after window has been closed, the next display content will be the home folder content.

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