Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Block facebook widgets through out the web

Just a few days back, TechBU started using Facebook’s Fan Page feature and in the same context we see a new facebook widget on right hand side of TechBU. It’s always good to publicize in multiple ways possible, but there may be more then 1 reason you do not want to see those widgets through the web.
- Top most reason may be, that you are concerned about your privacy and do not 
want facebook to record your browsing habits.
- Second could be, you are already liking a page and now do not want to see that widget on every page of your favorite blog.
- Third and most shocking one could be, that you are not on facebook and do not want to be annoyed by those like buttons everywhere.
Well, what ever may be the reason, it’s up to you weather you want to see it or not – after all it’s your web!
This is possible for Firefox and Google Chrome users with the help of neat add-on.


Facebook blocker is a firefox add-on available for free which stops these facebook widgets from loading on any page apart from Facebook itself. This includes ‘Like’ buttons, ‘Recommended’ lists, widgets, etc.
Note that – sites with facebook login button will still work as normal.
It is an experimental add-on and which is why a few bugs still persists. So naturally, it does not do all what it claims to do. Following is a screenshot showing a small facebook button which should not be there -


WidgetBlock is one more miracle which can save you not only from the facebook widgets, but from a variety of them across the web. Widgetblock for Google Chrome helps to remove widgets from Facebook, Twitter, Google Buzz, Disqus, etc. This not only customizes your browsing experience but adds up some extra speed to a faster browser.
The overall configuration is very easy as you can see in the screenshot. Widgetblock simply stops the widget to make a request to the server, and thus blocks them from loading. The list of supported sites by widgetblock is quite large enough and thus the following screenshot only consists of a glimpse -

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