Thursday, December 9, 2010

Cannot Access Registry,TaskManager, How to Fix It?

Registry Error
The above picture is very common, you must have seen this error in your PC or on your friend's PC. Whenever you will try to open Windows Task Manager or Registry you will get the error message saying "Registry Editing has been disabled by your Administrator" or "Task Manager has been Disabled by your Administrator"
Generally this is caused by one of the common Virus which actually disables these two options.
Now, One question that must be  striking your mind.
How to check if you are also infected with this virus? Well simply open run (Win Key + R ) type REGEDIT, then hit enter if windows registry opens up and also you are able to access Windows Task Manager then you are not infected.
But What if you are infected?
Here is how to solve this hassle:-
Re-Enabling the Registry Editing
Step 1: Open Run (Win Key + R ).
Step 2: Type the following code and hit enter (Better copy and paste)
REG add HKCU¥Software¥Microsoft¥Windows¥CurrentVersion¥Policies¥System /v DisableRegistryTools /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f
This will fix your registry problem. You can check it by Repeating "Step 1″

Re-Enabling the Task Manager

Step 1: Open Run (Win Key + R ). Just as we did before.
Step 2: Type the following code and hit enter (again it's better if you will copy and paste)
REG add HKCU¥Software¥Microsoft¥Windows¥CurrentVersion¥Policies¥System /v DisableTaskMgr /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f
Bravo! You should now be able to access windows registry editing as well as Task Manager.
Note : Make sure you use a good Anti-virus Program and run a full System Scan for viruses because if the virus stays in your system then this problem may come up again.

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